I started to explore the subject of SUCCESS in my last blog and the impact that your MINDSET can have. SUCCESS doesn’t just happen by good luck, it takes energy, hard work, action and a clear focus. You will not engage any of this though if you do not believe in what you are doing, so this week I want to share my thoughts on the place that BELIEF takes in drive to achieve SUCCESS.

BELIEF can come as the result of a number of situations in life; firstly from your own past experiences. Successes that you have achieved in the past, give you belief that they can be gained again, they bring momentum and spur you on to repeat what you first did. For those of you who speak to groups, audiences or even large crowds. Remember that very first time when you got up to speak, when your nerves gripped you, you shook nervously and getting those first few words out seemed like such an effort. But then the next time around it wasn’t quite as challenging, your initial success brough about a belief in you, that to talk to others was to bring great benefit to all.

Experience brings BELIEF
Next there are other people’s successes, they bring about belief that you too can achieve what they did. Your eyes are opened to possibilities you just hadn’t considered. This is why it is so important to read and to listen and to observe the world around you. See for yourself what is working and what is not, to learn of new ways, new processes and new products that can bring about success for yourself.

Seeing brings BELIEF
Finally, BELIEF can come from within a person. It can be released when we actually visualise in our minds what it would mean if we cast off our particular unbelief. We have choices in our life which bring about change, but many people resist change and that is a major sticking point. People have evolved and changed with time, pushing to ever great heights of achievement and that has taken great energy, focus, and yes, BELIEF. Revelation brings BELIEF.

Belief is a powerful force which, along with language and physiology, can propel us on to achieving great things but, on its own, it is only the start. After belief comes commitment, commitment to change, and that is when action starts to happen… followed by results.

Paul Freeman